Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sitting Still

Motion is normal " independent study time " is code for child storage. You see it is much cheaper to force a child to sit still than it is to educate them. This is a painful experience that has little purpose or benefit for the child. If I am really studding I walk around, talk to friends grab a snack scroll through Facebook and get comfortable. I can't fully focus unless everything is just right, sure I get distracted but the computer waits for me and helps me. I can stimy out some very difficult math problems and choose the right answer out of a group of 4, but it hurts not to move and it is stressful to be forced to put aside my basic needs, just to make things easier for a teacher who lacks my imagination.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Twins

When I was 3 years old my mother told me a story about 2 twins, they did not feel pain. They pulled a dresser on top of themselves and died laughing.
Is it really a disorder to feel pain, from harmful things? Feeling pain from sound or over-stimulation or lack of motion may be as natural as feeling pain from a burn of a cut. These things are associated real dangers. Sounds and lights are used to attract people to unsafe places like bars, casinos, and wild parties. Lack of motion, may also be painful, especially for people with hypermobility syndrome who need mussels to support their bodies structure and maintain energy flow throughout the body.
Pain is a warning not a disorder, it is important to be aware of predators. Be aware that predators are exploiting kids in schools by forcing them to sit still for a profit. The restriction of motion and lack of choice in schools is bad for children. The schools are becoming more and more like factory farms. Children are being kept in smaller spaces, given more drugs and less nutrition. Children are given a standardized education graded and forced to sell themselves as products. I have been made to feel like a defective product, but I am not a product I am a person.


Autistic Diet, Thought Experiment.

What would happen if you took all the animals at a zoo and fed them a diet of only hay? You might guess that some of the animals would survive much better on this diet than others. Will a horse may survive years on hay the zoo cat would starve if it had nothing else. Please get the idea out of your head that everyone should eat the same thing! Most schools serve a diet that is inadequate for most children.

Link to this:

The GROW Program

Reuniting with nature and animals.
Observing nature, food interactions, and personal behavior patterns.
Watching and understanding speech, communication and treatment of others.